Please note that I have abandoned this project. This was more or less a proof-of-concept program that works very well. I have stopped maintaining it since I haven't had anytime to work on it. If you have any questions about continuing this project or have any questions about it, please feel free to Contact Me. I do believe there is still a lot that could be accomplised and updated.

CD_SERVER Homepage

What is CD_SERVER?

CD_SERVER is an application that allows the ability to run a website completely off a CD/DVD-ROM disc (as well as any other medium, including USB thumbdrives). The CD_SERVER is powered by several other open source projects, Apache, Perl, mod_perl, PHP, and MySQL.

How does this work?
CD_SERVER manages the server program's temporary files by storing them in temporary folders. When the CD_SERVER exits, all of these files that CD_SERVER created are erased. The temporary files that get written are Apache and MySQL Logs, MySQL PID file, and the MySQL Database files.

CD_SERVER Features

Here are some of the features in CD_SERVER.

Download CD_SERVER

One of the primary objectives is to make this project work on both Microsoft® Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
Mac OS X 10.4 is currently the only Mac OS that is supported on CD_SERVER. Read this FAQ for explanation.

Note about Mac: Unfortunetly, the Mac version below did not work when I posted this. I didn't try and fix it or even look for an error, however I do remembering that it was working. My biggest problems were port detection and launching a web browser from Perl (which is probably much easier to do now then it did when I was working on this project). You can download the following versions of CD_SERVER.

Updated on 2008-07-12


Create New CD_SERVER - General Website Info
Create New CD_SERVER
General Website Info
Create New CD_SERVER - Website Configuration
Create New CD_SERVER
Website Configuration
Create New CD_SERVER - MySQL Configuration
Create New CD_SERVER
MySQL Configuration
Create New CD_SERVER - Advanced Configuration
Create New CD_SERVER
Advanced Configuration


These is a VERY INCOMPLETE LIST of the bugs that are currently in CD_SERVER v2.0 BETA 6. Since this program is primarily being developed by one person, it is hard to keep track of all the bugs that may exist. If you have found any bugs that are not listed below, please contact me.


Here's a list of features that I would like to implement in the future.



Why is Macintosh OS X 10.4 the only Macintosh OS supported?
Apple is currently shipping wxPerl with Mac OS X 10.4 but not with the other versions of OS X. I have been unable, in my attempts, to get the CD_SERVER GUI started with a distributable version of wxPerl for Mac. Some alternative to allowing the GUI to load in OS X may be necessary. If you have any suggestions, please contact me.

What versions of the included applications are packaged with CD_SERVER?
Apache 1.3.33, Perl 5.8.7, mod_perl 1.29, PHP 5.0.4, and MySQL 4.1.12a are currently packaged with CD_SERVER v2.0.

Contact Me

Name: Adam S. Kirschner
E-Mail: adam at ivillage dot cc


Special thanks to the following people (so far).

Apache Foundation mod_perl PHP MySQL
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Last Updated: July 12, 2008